Speeches and Articles Archive

20162015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012


True to Our Mission
(Rutgers Magazine, Fall 2016)

President's 2016 Report to the University Senate
(September 23, 2016)

Our Hearts Are with Orlando
(June 13, 2016)

First Class
(Rutgers Magazine, Spring 2016)

Where We Belong
(Rutgers Magazine, Winter 2016)

Rutgers President on Free Speech and Academic Freedom
(February 2016)


Dreaming Big
(Rutgers Magazine, Fall 2015)

President's 2015 Report to the University Senate
(September 18, 2015)

Thanks a Billion
(Rutgers Magazine, Spring 2015)

Increasing Opportunities for Our Highest-Achieving Students through Honors Colleges
(Rutgers Magazine, Winter 2015)


Statement of President Barchi on Peaceful Student Protests
(December 9, 2014)

Rutgers President: Renew Commitment to Stopping Rape
(USA Today, October 1, 2014)

Engaging Our Cities
(Rutgers Magazine, Fall 2014)

President's 2014 Report to the University Senate
(September 19, 2014)

One University, Four Unique Missions
(Rutgers Magazine, Spring 2014)

An Honest Assessment and Bold Planning
(Rutgers Magazine, Winter 2014)


President Barchi's Report to the University Senate
(September 27, 2013)

Celebrating the New Rutgers
(Rutgers Magazine, Fall 2013)

Op-Ed: The New Rutgers Will Benefit Entire State
(July 8, 2013)

Remarks at Commemorative Event for the New Rutgers University
(July 1, 2013)

Time for a Home Improvement
(Rutgers Magazine, Spring 2013)

Op-Ed: Immigration Reform Is the Smart Way to Go
(April 14, 2013)

John J. Farmer, Jr., Dean of Rutgers School of Law-Newark, Appointed Rutgers Senior Vice President and General Counsel
(April 11, 2013)

Rutgers President Announces Formation of Search Committee for New Athletic Director, Appoints Interim A.D.
(April 8, 2013)

Rutgers University to Commission Independent Review of Circumstances and Process Around Men's Basketball Program
(April 8, 2013)

President Barchi Accepts Resignation of Athletic Director Tim Pernetti
(April 5, 2013)

Letter to N.J. Congressional Delegation on Immigration Reform
(February 21, 2013)

Remarks at New Jersey Agricultural Convention
(February 7, 2013)

Higher Ground
(Rutgers Magazine, Winter 2013)


Reaching for Greatness
(Rutgers Magazine, Fall 2012)

Remarks to HealthCare Institute of New Jersey
(September 19, 2012)

Remarks at New Student Convocation 2012
(September 1, 2012)

Remarks on Appointment as Rutgers’ 20th President
(April 11, 2012)